GPS Locator for iOS 8 [Crash and Fix]

Quite recently Apple announced iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, and along with that iOS 8, the latest version of iOS operating system. As always the new version of iOS contains a variety of new features and improvements, from which both users and develoepers benefit.

Unfortunately every update has consequences; the apps require modifications to comply with the new version. Every application whether it is mobile, web or of some other nature uses external third party libraries. Thus almost every application depends on some other library in order to accomplish and provide the users with a service. This problem is possible to grow larger, since those libraries might in turn depend on some other libraries and so forth and so on. Thus, there are a lot of dependencies in almost every application. Consequently, there is a higher chance that an application will crash when a significant update, such as the roll out of a new version of iOS, occurs.

The whole point of this post is that GPS Locator fell inside this trap and at the moment is crashing for a lot of users. However, the problem has been identified and new version will be released soon. Apart from fixing the bug that leads to random crashes there were a few other minor fixes.

Thank you very much for the patient and I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience.

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